Stale Powdered Donuts and a White Van

School would have been out for about a week. It was fun to stay up late and sleep in light. Waking up we would find Mom sitting at the table looking out the large picture-window, into the backyard. It was the day Grandma and Grandpa were to arrive. I probably asked Mom a hundred times, “When will they be here?” You must remember that this was before cell phones. Nobody knew when somebody “would arrive”. It was kind of a surprised.

Eventually we would hear wheels crunching the gravel, at the end of the driveway. Rushing out we would find two tired senior citizens pulling in our driveway in a large, white box van. Grandpa didn’t like to stop in hotels, and I doubt that first van had air conditioning. If it did, Grandpa probably wouldn’t let Grandma use it. There was a mattress in the rear of the van, propped up on a homemade 2×4 frame, that Grandpa had made. A green, metal Coleman stove lay folded against the sidewall. Mom told me Grandpa would pull over and make Grandma make eggs. I know that you probably could have gotten two Egg McMuffins for about a dollar at this time. This used to make Mom angry. I know Grandma would have loved an English Muffin. She never complained.

Grandpa’s left arm would be sunburned where it hung out the side window on the long drive from Florida. This was proof that they had not used the air conditioner. Grandpa would smell of sweat. It wasn’t offensive. His large hairy arms and wild hair were the arms and hair of a man. You don’t see too many “men” like this anymore. Everyone is shampooed and clean. Grandpa could get “cleaned up”, but “cleaning up” wasn’t for every day. Most days were for working, or traveling and visiting, if you were old. Grandma and Grandpa would come inside. If I was still in bed, Grandpa would find me and rub his rough, whiskered face against my soft skin. I don’t know why I remember this, but he used to tease me about growing a mustache. He would tell me if I put cheese on my upper lip the “mouse” would grow out to “get the cheese”.

After they got seated at the table and Mom poured them coffee. (They drank coffee morning, night, and noon). We would ask if we could run out to their van to raid it for leftovers from their trip. Grandma and Grandpa would nod and soon we would come back with a plastic Wonder Bread bread bag full of old, stale homemade powdered crullers. They were really good. Sometimes Grandma might have a tin of Press Cookies or some other new snack or bread they had made for the trip. These leftovers would all be shared with our coffee. Mom would put sugar and milk in mine. That is pretty much all we would do for weeks is sit at the table, plan lunches and dinners and sit and talk in the evening. Grandpa didn’t like to go out much, except to shop at Kroger or wherever the price as best. He also loved hunting for cheap gas.

The next week we would go out and cut rhubarb and Grandma would make a Rhubarb Crumb Pie…but thats a topic for another day.

A little Lonelier, a little scarier world….

This week Warren Wiersbe went home to Heaven. In 2015 Howard Hendricks lost his earthly battle to cancer. Last year Billy Graham passed into Glory.

I didn’t grow up at the ballpark. I didn’t have a stack of baseball cards. Sure I attended a few games with my dad but guys wearring pinstripes and stirrup socks were never my heroes. I grew up in the church and in high godly Christian schoolteachers took me to Bible Conferences. It may be a little nerdy but I didn’t go to Fenway or Yankee stadium Dad and I once drove to a week long preaching conference in North Carolina. I visited Torrey Gray Auditorium two or three times befote graduating high school. There I heard Warren Wiersbe, Chuck Colson, Billy Graham, Stuart Briscoe, Chuck Swindoll……I coukd go on and on. I heard EV Hill preach, “When God was at His Best” seated next to my Dad at Moody Church, in Chicago.

Bible ir no Bible Howard Hendricks and Warren Wiersbe were masters of their craft; eloquent wordsmiths and gifted orators. They coukd hold your attention, get you to think, and say things in a wsybthat helped you pack them up and carry them away.

I have collected their recirded sermons like some might collect coins or keepsakes. Each time I listen I come away with new insights and ideas on how to be a better teacher, presenter, and pastor.

Like all of our heroes I cannot inagine thevworld without them. There promotion definitely leaves the room we are in dimmer. In some sense I know how Joshua must have felt when Moses died. In the quietness of that moment of loss God knowingly spoke to Joshua’s fragile uncertainty. He said these words, “don’t be afraid…I Am with thee….and the mighty Word and Spirit that filled Moses…is available to you. The mighty things you saw Me do in Him….I am prepared to do in you…and even greater.”

“Hard to believe,” Joshua must have thought. “Hard to conceive. Difficult to grasp. Difficult to accept. But Joshua did….and God did.

I am greatful for these greatmen who devoted themselves to God’s Word and helped me learn it and love it. I appreciate their sense of humor and playfulness. It was never a chore to listen or an hour that left me bored.

Like rgecwriter of Hebrews I see that I have been surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Now they are in the stands..and I remain on the track below. As I pause to watch them enter the stands they take their places and then turn. They begin to clap and cheer and shout encouragements. There race is finished, but mine is not.

I smile and firmly grip the baton they placed in my hand. My feet scuffle the grave as I wave to them in their seats and turn to make my next lap.

I hope I can run like they do. I don’t have the same gait or stride. We don’t even wear the same colors, but as I run I am also reminded that somewhere someone may be watching me and watching to see how I finish. I quicken my pace and take the next turn, determined to run with patience the race that has been set before me…looking and leaning forward determined to finish well.

Update on Transition

Hello Friends,

As I expected my Free WordPress memory allotment has maxed out. This is why my last video post (Take a Wk with God) did not appear and shows as a black screen.

I am trying to decide which professional account to choose. As this is a one year commitment, I want to make sure the plan fits my vision for our new video blog. As you know I would like to add podcasting to the website ministry.

I also have some very exciting news to share. You will have to stay tuned as the timing is not exactly right to reveal some of the great things God has done.

Finally, I am also very excited to announce that will also be adding visiting and speaking in the coming year. Soon I will share more details, but God has been opening more doors for ministry in Chattanooga.

Thanks for following along. I do think was, in a sense, a “seed” of faith that God has used to open other doors of ministry.

Please keep praying. More than two years ago I felt God leading us to Chattanooga. The last two years have often been difficult and trying. God has been so good and now we are beginning to see confirmation of God’s prompting and leading.

More to come



Hello Dear Friends and Followers,

Let me just take a moment to update you on my adventure. For those of you who have been following since January…Thank You. I hope the journey has been encouraging and uplifting. As I have explained, this has just been an experiment. If you wonder why I did not post often over the past two weeks, it is actually been due to some very good news. The Lord answered our prayer for a full-time job/ministry. I am sure I will talk more about it soon, but I am reluctant to share specifics. I want to be very careful not to mix my work world and the realm of this Bible Verse sharing blog. In any event, I have been unemployed and underemployed for nearly two years. Many have offered my part-time jobs and I have been working as an independent contractor, but I have lacked any full-time employment. God has been faithful, but it has been difficult to juggle five or six different part-time jobs and continue to send out resumes. Just over two weeks ago, God did more than we could ever have asked or imagined. He really gave us exactly what we had hoped for. This has required many interviews and much work to get settled. This good news is why the blog slowed down.

I was surprised that it slowed down during the celebration of the Resurrection. Originally I had planned for the blog to focus on the celebration of the Resurrection. As it was we were out of town on Resurrection Sunday. I did try to include a few posts about the wonderful Celebration of the Lord’s Day, the Glorious Day.

Now I am encountering a new “hitch”. My last few videos would not
“post”. I suspect that I have run out of free memory on WordPress. I will be trying to contact customer support and I may have to buy a small subscription. If I need to I will buy a small monthly plan and continue the blog. I just wanted to keep you all posted.

God Bless You and Stay Tuned,

Pastor Jim